The women's organization, Helping Hands, has three major directions - Outreach, Fellowship and Growth of Self-esteem.
-Outreach - Our service projects are local, state and national. Projects have been directed to the youngand elderly, the ill and those in crisis, the homeless and an adopted child through the "Save The Children" program.
Fellowship - Weekly meetings provide frequent contact with one another. birthday celebrations,lunches and outings are planned each month.
Self Improvement and Esteem - "How To" programs are promoted on a wide range of topics such as estate planning, flower arranging, travel logs, etc. All members serve on planning committees and/or serve as directors
for ongoing projects such as sunshine cards, love offerings, Christian shared library and gift donations.
Helping Hands meets each Tuesday at the church at 10 AM. All women are invited to join this active group. Please contact Coordinator Tangra Deyesso at 781-293-7693.
This month's activities: