init(); $statisticsObject->processAction(); ?> First Baptist Church of Hanson, Massachusetts - This Month

First Baptist Church of Hanson, Massachusetts
First Time Guest
What We Offer
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This Month

2021 Happenings at FBCH


Special Message concerning the COVID-19:

Sunday Services are held inside the Sanctuary. The offering is not "collected" what we ask is that your place your offering in the basket at the end of the Sanctuary.  Communion: We request you bring your own bread (body) and Juice (blood). Thank you for understanding.

September Services:
5 - Pastor Carl - Communion
12 - Pastor Bruce - Worship Band
19 - Pastor Carl
26 - Pastor Bruce - Worship Band 

Please check back for updated information.

Pastoral Counceling Services of the South Shore hours are Monday - Saturdays appointments only.

Call 781-826-0011 or e-mail: for an appointment.
Health Insurance Plans welcome.

Special Services: TBA


Office closed - Office hours are Tuesday - Friday 9AM - 1PM.
Facemasks are encouraged to be warn for those who haven't had the vaccine. Office manager reserves the right to test your temperature and ask you to leave if you are over 101 degrees. Also, we ask you practice personal (social) distancing. Please be thoughtful of those around you and those you may infect here or at home.

Please call 781-293-3502 & leave a message outside these hours.

Pastoral Counseling in session remotely.

Church Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9 AM - 1 PM


 Office Closed

Bible Study - 11AM-Noon Foyer; Bring lunch.



Helping Hands meeting 1st & 3rd weeks at 10AM

Thrift Store open the 2nd & 4th Tuesday 10AM-Noon

5th Tuesday Not open and no meeting.



9:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Band Rehearsal

10AM - 2PM - Thrift Store Open (lower level)


NEXT SUNDAY:  Pastor Bruce Bardon

9:00 AM - Band

10:00 AM – Worship Service


FBC Hanson's Sanctuary

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